A downloadable game

Game Prototype made fro final year project at University.

This was a tourism enhancement prototype where you can visit a demo site of rocks on Dartmoor called Hountor. They ave historical value and there are interest points in the game to find, there is also a sub-game to find the bones of one of the famous ghost stories of Dartmoor: Kitty Jay.

It was made with intent to provide a precursory experience at tourism offices and online giving the user a pre-visitation knowledge and familiarity to the area and whats there.

The game has a typical mouse and keyboard FPS control setup. There is no Jump, but you can walk up the rocks if you dare. [may require some mouse movement left and right as you go forward]

There will be a welcome message at the start worth reading.

There are signs 'in-game' to read and gain better knowledge of where to go and what you can do inside.

Apart from the Motorhome model and the farm building, everything else was created by me originally to gain experience when I knew little to nothing about Unity as a Game Engine and how it worked.

The game had further application that could run simulations on the geometry as it was closely accurate to the real Hountor landscape and proved a demonstrable point that the system I wrote on top could be used to determine water retention by the regional water company who have a tally of reservoirs on Dartmoor. This is not viewable in this demo, this is just the game part produced for that relevant part of my dissertation, so there's no the science'y part, just the exploration part

 Enjoy, hope it still works these days ha



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